

It's estimated that 13 million men have low testosterone in the U.S.

All it takes is a simple blood test to determine if you're a candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy(TRT).

Call our office (559)398-4130 to schedule a consult today!


Testosterone is important for a multitude of functions including:

  • Energy production
  • Weight control
  • Muscle mass
  • Brain health 

Causes of decline in production may include:

  • Age
  • Stress 
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Pain
  • Medications
  • Excessive weight gain
  • Excessive weight loss
  • And More!

Symptoms include but are not limited:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Mental fog
  • Joint pain
  • Low/decreased libido
  • Decreased muscle mass

Let us guide you through a SAFE and EFFECTIVE TRT program.

You can set up an an appointment with Dr. Bautista in 2 ways:

  1. A secure, private consultation via video chat with Dr. B! You must live in California and sign an informed consent. Dr. Bautista and his staff will then walk you through all the required steps for the program. This way is the most cost effective and private way to start your health journey to being the best you! 
  2. Schedule a visit with him at one of his two Fresno, CA locations. Call us at (559)398-4130.

Testosterone isn’t everything however! Along with exercise and nutrition many supplements can help us reach our health goals. Unfortunately the FDA does not regulate supplements and vitamins for quality. We’ve added links to different supplements that we believe are reputable and of good quality.